One of the major obstacles to using UltraEdit since version 17 is that the program is activated a la Windows which means that you can't move it around on a memory stick and such. I have not had sufficient time to verify that the bugs which were present in v20 are fully ironed out in this version. UltraEdit is aimed at developers and such who spend considerable time editing, and it has an exorbitant price to match of $79.95. (To me, the FTP section looks uncannily like a clone of FileZilla.) This version of U/E adds a few new features such as improved 'Quick Find', 'Multi-caret' editing that allows-as its web site says-'multiple changes in different places in your file at one time'-a dangerous operation unless you're an experience user who is very familiar with what you're doing and there's also changes to the inbuilt FTP client browser which U/E's site espouses as multi-pane with many improvements. My view of this current UltraEdit has not fundamentally altered since my previous review of U/E 20.00 (hereunder), which is that it is now a huge overly bloated text editor that's grown like Topsy and thus somewhat disorganized and confusing to use (especially for the casual user).